Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District

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Options to Submit Public Comment for a Board of Education Meeting

The public will have the opportunity to submit public comments via the following methods outlined below.

Comments submitted via email or the online form will only be posted online. Anonymous public comments will not be posted on the website, however, they will be sent to the Board. Only those comments with a corresponding email will be posted on our website.

Email comments are an additional option (above and beyond our Brown Act obligation) but are limited to 425 words, and the District will not post attachments as part of the comment.  If you have a letter you wish to transmit to the Board, you may do so separately via mail (to the District) or email (to the Trustees). The Board of Education may choose to limit the number of comments accepted via Zoom.

  1. Submission through an online form (posted online)
  2. Zoom Video Conference during the meeting (live stream via YouTube) subject to technology constraints. 
  3. Email (posted online)
  4. In Person at the meeting during Public Communications on the Agenda
Please note the Board Meeting is livestreamed and also recorded on YouTube. Links to the video are available at Board Meeting Videos

Instructions for each option are listed below.


Submitting a Public Comment Via Online Form 
Submissions received by 2:00 pm on the day of the Board meeting will be posted prior to the start of the Board meeting. Submissions received after 2:00 pm on the day of the Board meeting through the end of the meeting may be posted after the meeting has completed. (Please note that these times may differ for Special Board Meetings)

The submission form is available on this page and is updated regularly with a custom link for each meeting. 
Click here to submit a written public comment for the December 3, 2024 Board of Education Regular Meeting.
(Please note that the first Regular Board Meeting of December will be held on a Tuesday, as an exception to the 2nd and 4th Wednesday schedule)

Please remember to choose if your comment is for CLOSED session agenda item or an OPEN session agenda item.

In compliance with the 3-minute time frame allotted for public comments, written submissions are limited to 425 words.


Submitting a Public Comment via Zoom Video Conference (for Regular BOE Meetings)
The public can submit a request to participate via Zoom Video Conference. Submissions will be accepted through the end of the meeting. Requests must be made prior to the agenda item you wish to address, including public comment on non-agenda items. 

To Participate:

    1. Complete the request form at:
    2. You will be required to submit one of the following on the form to be granted access at the appropriate time:
      - Account email that you use to sign in to Zoom or
      - Telephone number you are calling in from or
      - email
    3. Please remember to choose if your comment is for CLOSED session agenda item (4:00 pm) or OPEN session agenda item (5:30 pm)
    4. You will receive the Zoom meeting conference login information via email prior to the beginning of Closed Session at 4:00 pm or Open Session at 5:30 pm, as appropriate.

 During the meeting:

    1. To prevent audio feedback during Zoom participation:
      - Do not have the Live Stream of the meeting open during your Zoom session or
      - Mute the Live Stream of the meeting during your Zoom session
    2. Login to the Zoom conference meeting or dial into the meeting and you will be placed in the Waiting Room
      How to join a Zoom meeting by Phone:  Click here for directions.
    3. Participant will be allowed into the conference by the meeting administrator during the appropriate time of the agenda for public comment for the agenda item they have specified or during public comment for non-agenda items.
    4. Participant account information must match the information submitted in the request form in order to allow us to permit comment at the appropriate time during the meeting.
    5. Participant is allowed to comment for 3 minutes. If there are more than 20 speakers, individual comments will be limited to one minute.

For additional instructions on how to address the board via Zoom, click here for directions: How to Address the Board



Submitting a Public Comment via Email
Emailed comments will be posted online. If time permits, emails received by 2:00 pm on the day of the meeting will be posted prior to the start of the Board meeting.  Emails received after that time and through the end of the Board meeting will be posted after the meeting.

  1. Email your comment to [email protected]
  2. Your email should specify the agenda item or that it is for a non-agenda item.
  3. Comments are limited to 425 words, to fit within the 3-minute limit.
  4. The District will not post attachments as part of the comment.  If you have a letter you wish to transmit to the Board, you may do so separately via mail (to the District) or email (to the Trustees).

Submitting a Public Comment In Person
If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please obtain a card that is on the table along with the agenda; fill the card out completely and give it to the Board secretary sitting at the table.  Please turn your card in prior to the presentation of the item you wish to address, including public comment on non-agenda items.  The staff person will see that your card is presented to the President of the Board of Education, who will call upon you at the appropriate time during the discussion of that agenda item

For additional instructions on how to address the board in person, click here for directions: How to Address the Board

Request for Accommodations
To request disability related accommodations, please send a message via the contact information below at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

Email: [email protected]

Call: (310) 896-3404